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Helping Families with Huntington's Disease

HD Reach is working to improve the care and quality of life for those affected by Huntington’s disease. Founded as a nonprofit in 2009, we provide connections to medical providers, referrals to local services, care management, family support, education, and anonymous genetic testing.


We’re here for you. Call or Email: 919.803.8128 or

If you’d like us to know how to help you better, let's be friends. HD Reach is a private nonprofit organization. All information collected is held in strict confidence. All HD Reach services are provided through community based funding, donations, or private pay. 

  • Olivia * Living with JHD
    Olivia * Living with JHD

    My name is Olivia and I’m 17 years old with Juvenile Huntington’s Disease. I was diagnosed right before my 13th birthday a few years after my father. Living with this terrible disease has changed so much of my life. However, I still attend school and am a senior this year. I also participate in Girl Scouts. My favorite thing is PT where I get to ride Fritz a horse at hippotherapy. I also have a service dog Larry who helps me with walking, retrieving items and can go get my mom if I need help. Everyday I fight this disease.

  • People served through our family system model of care.


  • People affected by HD in the US including 1,000 in NC.


  • Americans at-risk for HD, including 5,500 in NC.


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