Led by Dr. Bonnie Hennig-Trestman, this event is designed for individuals and their partners, living in the United States, who have recently completed predictive HD genetic testing. We will discuss ways to communicate and support our partners as well as connect with others who are walking a similar path.
Topics we cover are:
- Navigating the challenges of sharing genetic test results with others
- Planning for the future:
- Financial
- Physical
- Cognitive
- Emotional
- Parenthood
- Communication:
- Obtaining Information
- Seeking Support
- Learning to Talk and Listen to Each Other
- Coping 101
Please contact Erika Boulavsky, MSW, LCSW Community Outreach Specialist at eboulavsky@hdreach.org to register. “Seating” is limited. A zoom link will be sent to you the week before the retreat.
While we hope all participants would feel comfortable using their cameras we realize some individuals would prefer to remain anonymous. We want to honor that wish but offer reassurance that the importance of confidentiality will be discussed.