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What We Do (and Don't Do)

Training for Medical Providers

HD Reach Can Help Professional Care Teams 

Huntington’s disease requires care team members with expertise in a variety of specialized areas and an understanding of the complex physical, mental, and emotional symptoms related to HD. A good care team is paramount in providing coordinated care to people living with HD. HD Reach can help by serving as a strategic ally for care teams by providing training or finding appropriate training resources, so team members can focus on their patients' care.  

Some ways HD Reach can work with you:  

  • Provide group training sessions to address common and specific needs of patients in your care 
  • Help troubleshoot issues with patient consent 
  • Participate in joint conference calls with you and your patients 
  • Help your patient get ready for and make the most of their clinic visits 
  • Conduct research to identify resources to assist patients with insurance, disability or other issues that may affect their care such as housing, food insecurity, transportation and living expenses 
  • Help you access provider training and information