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Who We Are

Meet Our Board

Shirley Hughes

Shirley Hughes

Shirley Elmore Hughes is a Registered Nurse who graduated from Barton College with a BSN and from Duke University with a MSN specializing in Clinical Research Management. She holds adjunct faculty positions at ECU SON and PCC SON and serves as a member of the ECU UMCIRB (University and Medical Center Investigational Review Board). Her thirty year nursing career includes experience with acute care, home health and long term care.

Shirley comes from an HD family. Her brother, Sid, prior to his passing, would speak with a symposium of neurologists at the Naval Medical Center of Portsmouth, Virginia regarding his journey dealing with Huntington’s Disease. Upon his death, he donated his body to science to help find a cure for HD. Shirley continues to follow in her big brother’s footsteps to help the HD community.

She has served as the HDSA NC State Advocacy Captain. While in this role, she has met with Congressman Greg Murphy and Congressman Don Davis’ staff member to discuss pending legislation which would improve the quality of life of HD patients.
Shirley is very passionate about improving access to quality care to members of the HD Community and views her role as an executive board member of HD Reach as a great opportunity to help reach those goals.