Erika Boulavsky, MSW, LCSW
Erika Boulavsky, MSW, LCSW, serves as the Community Outreach Specialist for HD Reach. Erika is responsible for helping to build relationships and education within the medical community as well as assisting HD families navigate supportive resources. Erika has a BA in Sociology from Costal Carolina University and a Masters of Social Work from the University of South Carolina. She is originally from Myrtle Beach, SC and began her journey as a social worker for her local hospice agency in 2017. She moved to Raleigh, NC in 2020 and continued to work with the hospice population until starting with HD reach in July 2022. She and her partner have family members affected by HD and have been long time volunteers within HDSA youth programs, HDYO camps, and speakers at the HDSA convention. Erika and her partner enjoy relaxing with their two dogs, spending time with family and friends, and traveling as much as they can.