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Making Connections: Tacky Holiday Sweater & Cookie Swap

Tuesday, December 13, 2022
6:00 pm8:00 pm
Compass Rose Brewery
3201 Northside Dr #101
Raleigh, NC 27615

Tacky Holiday Sweater & Cookie Swap Tuesday!

Join Erika for a gathering at Compass Rose Brewery in Raleigh, NC on Tuesday December 13th at 6pm. Wear your tackiest holiday sweater for the chance to win a prize for being the tackiest person there! HD Reach will supply pizza, and of course…a fun time. Please reserve your spot so that we have the appropriate amount of food and include any dietary restrictions/allergies.

Whether store bought or homemade, all cookies are welcome for a good ol’ fashion cookie exchange. Although every person has a different experience and perspective of this part of the year, HD Reach hopes you will allow us to treat you to a night to connect and relax.