Huntington’s disease symptoms affect people in different and unpredictable ways. Once symptoms start, commonly around 35-50 years of age, the symptoms continue to change for ten to twenty years.
Most people with HD have mood and personality changes, thinking and judgement difficulties, and move in uncontrollable ways. The disease usually progressions in five stages and ends, sadly, in death.
The early symptoms of HD are typically:
Mood swings
Trouble driving
Trouble learning new things
Forgetting facts
Trouble making decisions
As the disease gets worse, these symptoms become more common:
Trouble feeding oneself
Trouble swallowing
Strange and uncontrolled movements that are either slow or wild and jerking (chorea)
Loss of memory and judgment
Changes in speech
Personality changes
Disorientation and confusion
Hallucinations, paranoia, and psychosis
Poor judgment. This can cause injury or problems with the law.
Stages of HD
For more on the Stages of HD, check out our HD 101 page.